I'm on the 3rd phase of my
P90X2 and Asylum Volume 2 Hybrid Schedule. Day 3 of phase 3 I did P.A.P. Upper from P90X2. P.A.P. stands for Post-Activation Potentiation, which basically an upper body workout to improve performance by starting off with a strength exercise followed by an explosive or static exercise. If you are an athlete or play some kind of sport, these kinds of exercises would be great to incorporate in your training.
In P.A.P. Upper there are a total of two complexes with four exercises in each complex. To complete each complex you will need to do 4 rounds of each.
P.A.P. Upper Complex One
In the first complex you first start with the Renegade Rows(Strength), second exercise is the Plyo Push-ups(explosive), third exercise is Low Plank on Medicine Ball(Static), and the fourth exercise and last in this complex is Superman(Static). Once you are done with all four exercises repeat it three more times to complete the first complex.
Renegade Rows |
Plyo Push-ups |
Low Plank on Medicine Ball |
Superman |
P.A.P. Upper Complex Two
In the second complex you will first start off with Towel Pull-ups, second Medicine Ball Pike, third Step Up Hammer Press, and forth and last exercise of the last complex is Roller Angel. Once you are done with all four exercises, repeat it three more times to complete the second complex.
Towel Pull-ups |
Medicine Ball Pike |
Step Up Hammer Press |
Roller Angel |
This workout takes a little over 50 minutes with the warm-up, stretch, the two complexes, and the cool down.
Equipment used during this workout:
- Stability Ball
- Medicine Ball
- Pull-up Bar
- Dumbbells
- Plyo Box or Weight Bench
- Foam Roller
- Two Towells (Towel Pull-ups)
Here are a few things I recommend. First, I would get things ready before you start. This workout moves pretty fast and you don't want to be scrambling around grabbing your weights or other things in between exercises. Second, make sure you stretch before an after the workout. Third, make sure your form is good to prevent injury.
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Related Links:
P90X2 and Asylum Volume 2 Hybrid Schedule
Base + Back Workout From P90X2
P90X2 Total Body Workout