I wanted a workout schedule that included weight training, cardio, core strengthening, and stretching. As an obstacle racer I feel that it is very important to be strong in all these areas, so I decided to create this P90X3/Insanity Max 30 Hybrid Schedule. I also included scheduled runs, because running is a big part of OCR(Obstacle Course Racing).
Who should consider doing the P90X3 and Insanity Max 30 Hybrid?
I recommend this schedule to those who have completed P90X3 and Insanity Max 30, or if you are in great shape wanting to taking it to the next level. I do not recommend this hybrid program to those just starting/beginners. Although these workouts can be done by beginners with modifications, this hybrid may be too much for those just starting. Two workouts in one day can cause beginners to over train and can lead to injury.
P90X3 will give me the upper body strength, balance, and stretching I need. I used all of the strength training workout from P90X3 to help build muscle. I've incorporated X3 Yoga for flexibility and balance. X3 Abs will help with my core strength.
Insanity Max 30 will give me the speed and endurance I need. I added all of the workouts from Insanity Max 30 into this hybrid. The cardio is top notch even though it is only 30 minutes long. These workout will help me keep my speed and endurance while still strengthening my legs, chest, and core.
Click here to check out the P90X3 and Insanity Max 30 Hybrid workout Schedule.